Spirulina’s deep color comes from its rainbow of natural pigments: chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue) and carotenoids (orange), that is harvested from the sun’s energy. Easy to digest Spirulina’s is water soluble. Spirulina has been extensively researched for years as whole food microalga, that is well documented in numerous books, journal articles, and periodicals. Many people use Spirulina for more energy, nutritional insurance and weight control and cleansing. Athletes discover more endurance and strength. Seniors find better nutrient absorption.
Phyto-Nutrients are the most significant finding in nutritional history. These disease-preventing compounds that naturally occur in whole unprocessed and unheated food reveal the magnificence of nature’s genius. These phyto-chemicals are otherwise known as phyto-nutrients, phyto-foods or even nutraceuticals, contain health building elements that strengthen your immune system and your overall body and mind.
Raw and living foods contain antioxidants which reduce free radical damage and help us age gracefully.
Many phytonutrients also act as antioxidants. Antioxidants counteract the damaging effects of “free radicals.” Raw Living Spirulina contains many powerful living antioxidants such as the phytonutrient of Carotenoids: lutein, and zeaxanthin present in macular pigments whose importance is health of the eye.
Living foods contain high frequency enzymes that initiate biochemical reactions in all living things, plants and animals. Raw Living Spirulina is thriving with living bioactive enzymes, phytonutrients, and cofactors that our body can actually absorb and use intelligently. All chemical reactions within the human body are regulated by enzymes which is why it’s vitally important to consume raw living foods every day.
Amino Acids
Not all proteins are created equal. Out of all these amino acids, the most important for your dietary consumption are the “essential” amino acids.
Why? Because your body cannot synthesize these amino acids so it relies solely on getting them from foods. Raw Living Spirulina, being a complete protein source, contains all these essential amino acids, which include tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine + cystine, phenylalanine + tyrosine, valine, and histidine.
Omega Fatty Acids
An integral part of the body affecting the function of the cell receptors in the membranes which regulate genetic function. They provide the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation. Raw Living Spirulina contains bioavailable raw omega-3 fatty acids ALA, EPA, and DHA, alone with omega-6 GLA the highest plant based source known to man. Spirulina is a powerful food to aid in reducing inflammation, promoting healthy cells, and keeping our skin beautiful.
Vitamins & Minerals
Essential substances that our bodies need to develop and function normally. Raw Living Spirulina contains A, C, D, E, and K, and the B vitamins: thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxal (B6), cobalamin (B12), biotin, and folate/folic acid. plus all the essential minerals for health: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, sulfur, cobalt, copper, fluoride, manganese, and selenium.